“m” for mental health

“change your attitude”

“change your acting”

“change your dictionary”

“you have changed too much”

“you are not the same person as before”

ok, stop. i got it. i am somebody else now and i know that. but that’s ok people change.

to be honest, i have never felt good in my body. i have never felt confident, pretty and smart. and sometimes i even hate my body, myself. i don’t know why, i just do.

but nobody should feel like this. like me. we should feel loved. we should feel pretty. we should feel good in our own bodies.

i know it’s hard sometimes, i know that. but all of us have to find that power and be independent. don’t care about other people opinions.

right now i do not feel mentaly good. my feelings are splitted up because of someone, who should support me the most; who should love me the most; who should be by my side, when i need to. because i do all these things. I DO. i love, i support, i care.
but maybe it’s time for me to give all these feelings and so to someone else…
